
We offer Wockhardians a sustainable ecosystem of professional growth balanced with an emphasis on personal development and emotional satisfaction.
A year-round calendar of specifically structured events and initiatives, held across geographies, ensure a healthy work-life balance for all Wockhardians.
They include training programmes, coaching classes and mentoring workshops; sports tournaments, quiz contests and awareness talks; picnics, get-togethers and festive celebrations; and participation in awards, events and volunteering for social causes.
Wockhardians are encouraged to be assertive, articulate their own career goals and plans, and are constantly assured of leadership and management support to pursue a path of innovation and ingenuity aligned to holistic developmental goals at both, organisational and individual levels.
Not surprisingly, Wockhardt, Wockhardt Hospitals and Wockhardt Foundation have achieved leading ranks in the prestigious ‘Great Place To Work’ Survey. Also, Wockhardians have consistently been acknowledged and awarded at various industry fora, across categories and functional roles, on an individual as well as organisational level.